Journey with KEDAR provides an opportunity to interact with people who can have varied life experiences but similar upbringing, cultural familiarity, and intellectual curiosity. Even though this platform opens up numerous possibilities to meet similarly qualified people, however, happy married life requires something more than just education, some more special - unique personal chemistry, mutual understanding, and a personal bond. As the relationship matures, this bond strengthens. But what is even more important than the passage of time is the importance of love, mutual respect, and personal space which become the essential driving force for a blissful marriage. One of the best ways to gain the respect of one another is by completely being honest to one another - an element that is lacking in many relationships today and is the root cause of discontent.
To add to the personal aspect, one would be remiss to ignore the fact that marriage is simply not a relationship between two people, but it is a relationship between two families. A blissful marriage of the couple requires that the relationship between two families is gratifying as well - a task but the lack of chemistry between the couple could be herculean and stressful and difficult to achieve. Dealing with personal as well as family issues takes time and tremendous patience. In circumstances like these, the strength of the relationship and chemistry between two individuals gets tested - if strong, it always yields positive results, and if weak, it often leads to disastrous outcomes. The seven promises of marriage according to the Indian philosophy, are not limited to the husband-wife relations, but also extends to those impacted by it, namely the father, the mother, the brother & the sisters, and the older family members. In this manner, the chariot of a relationship, run by the two charioteers (the couple) is empowered by trust, patience, solace, respect, and love. But for all these elements to come together, meeting of the minds and the soul has to happen - a result that can only be obtained if the cultural, and thinking framework of the two individuals is similar.
We are Kedar strive to do exactly that - to provide a matrimony platform for marathi individuals with similar intellect, cultural upbringing, and educational backgrounds an opportunity to interact with each other.
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