When two people get married, they hope that their bond will last forever. And, it sounds really plausible at first. During your honeymoon phase, everything seems perfect. However, a few years later, things seem to change - boredom in the marriage seeps in, and tiny things that once seemed effortless now feel to take a lot of effort.If this sounds familiar - then, you're not the only one.
According to studies, boredom is one of the main reasons relationships break. Thus, boredom needs to be immediately addressed, as it could result in irreparable harm in a relationship. So what should you do if your marriage is boring? Is there a remedy? Thankfully, yes. We at Kedar Connexions, understand that boredom in any marriage is something to be talked about. There are 6 ways, boredom in marriage can be addressed.
1. Plan to spend quality time together
Plan out new adventures with your partner. Make a list of fun, enjoyable activities, and make sure that you both spend time together. You can be together doing things like going on outings (to shows, sporting events, museums, festivals, etc.), working on projects that are related to one another's interests, taking trips to interesting places, etc. Also, it's exciting to have pleasant experiences with your partner that you did not imagine. Grab these unexpected opportunities with your partner and enjoy time together.
2. Rekindle your spark.
Most couples experience lack of physical relationship at some point throughout their marriage. Over a period of time, people settle into the same intimacy patterns. Making it less enjoyable to the point where it feels more like a chore than an intimate act. Discuss openly with your spouse the precise methods you'd like to make your intimate time more interesting and set a romantic mood. However, never force your partner to do anything that makes them feel uneasy.
3. Don’t compare your relationship to others
No marriage is perfect. You can think that other couples' marriages are better than your own when you observe them. When you compare your relationships with others, you tend to create unrealistic expectations in your relationship. A point to note - in most of the relationships that we see, we see only get to see the best side of it, and not the worst, which is usually hidden. The reality may be very dirrentat that what you perceive it to be. Each partnership has its own unique set of issues. Comparing yours to theirs is not fruitful.
4. Do or learn something new together
Be lifelong learners and develop the practice of teaching one another new things. Learn and discuss what's going on in the globe, such as current happenings in the news. Enroll in a class together to develop a new skill. For as long as you both live, look forward to getting to know one another better.
5. Appreciate each other
Anyone who has been in a committed relationship can attest ot he fact that saying the right thing matters. Just as the wrong words can create friction in a marriage, the right words can restore it. Couples will divert their attention from what can be a dull and boring relationship, if they can spend just a little extra time appreciating each other in their relationship. Your relationship will benefit greatly by spending a few minutes each day talking about what you value and why.
6. Work on yourself
The biggest mistake anyone can make in a relationship is to blame their companion for their own happiness. It is true that when you love someone, you prioritize meeting their needs. And up to a point, that is entirely OK. But you feel unheard and undervalued if your goals and aspirations are consistently ignored. These problems lead to bitterness, which over time hurts the partnership. You play a significant role in this marriage as well. You cannot make anyone else happy if you are not happy yourself. Love for oneself is crucial. If you believe that your married life is dull, improve yourself and expand.
Kedar Connexions shall be back with more thoughts on relationships and looking forward to being the catalyst in creating many happy marriages.